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Monday Challenges!!!

I for one am excited to see the resurgence of the Monday Art Challenges here on They have come a long way, and as an artist it has given me a reason to stay active with sketching away at some great video game art.

I look forward to seeing all the new entries on a weekly basis and love how random people will drop a sketch or illustration into the challenge.  Every week or so a member from the site selects a new topic and by that monday the following week everyone post their take on that challenge…Left 4 Dead is next on our hit list and you will soon see some sketches in the forums that reflect this.  Here is break down so to speak on ALL the challenges and the entries to ever appear on this site…

Big thanks to all who have contributed to the Monday Challenges!  For anyone who wants to contribute to the future challenges we look for new art.  That is the point of the challenge; to create NEW art before the week’s deadline.  Enjoy!

Week 1: Mario

by d-reno
by kalel06
by squeak117
Week 2: William Wright (Sims Creator)
by kendall
by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 3 Team Fortress

by kendall

by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

pencils by kalel06 & colours by kendall

Week 4: Megaman

by kendall

by squeak117

pencils by squeak117 & colors by d-reno

by d-reno

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 5: Resident Evil

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by d-reno

Week 6: Bioshock

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 7 Dead Space & Oddworld (yes 2!!)

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by flamingshark


by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 8: Half-life

by squeakk117

by flamingshark

by kalel06

by kalel06

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by mezmacko

Week 9: Batman

by d-reno

by flamingshark

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 10: Gears of War

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 11: Ninjas and Samurai

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 12: Halo

by squeakk117

by d-reno

Week 13: Heavenly Sword

by d-reno

by squeak117

Week 14 Darksiders

by flamingshark

Week 15: Mass Effect

by nuclearplastic

by d-reno

by kendall

by squeak117

To participate in the current challenge (left 4 Dead series click here!