Posts Tagged 'mario'

Monday Challenges!!!

I for one am excited to see the resurgence of the Monday Art Challenges here on They have come a long way, and as an artist it has given me a reason to stay active with sketching away at some great video game art.

I look forward to seeing all the new entries on a weekly basis and love how random people will drop a sketch or illustration into the challenge.  Every week or so a member from the site selects a new topic and by that monday the following week everyone post their take on that challenge…Left 4 Dead is next on our hit list and you will soon see some sketches in the forums that reflect this.  Here is break down so to speak on ALL the challenges and the entries to ever appear on this site…

Big thanks to all who have contributed to the Monday Challenges!  For anyone who wants to contribute to the future challenges we look for new art.  That is the point of the challenge; to create NEW art before the week’s deadline.  Enjoy!

Week 1: Mario

by d-reno
by kalel06
by squeak117
Week 2: William Wright (Sims Creator)
by kendall
by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 3 Team Fortress

by kendall

by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

pencils by kalel06 & colours by kendall

Week 4: Megaman

by kendall

by squeak117

pencils by squeak117 & colors by d-reno

by d-reno

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 5: Resident Evil

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by d-reno

Week 6: Bioshock

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 7 Dead Space & Oddworld (yes 2!!)

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by flamingshark


by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 8: Half-life

by squeakk117

by flamingshark

by kalel06

by kalel06

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by mezmacko

Week 9: Batman

by d-reno

by flamingshark

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 10: Gears of War

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 11: Ninjas and Samurai

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 12: Halo

by squeakk117

by d-reno

Week 13: Heavenly Sword

by d-reno

by squeak117

Week 14 Darksiders

by flamingshark

Week 15: Mass Effect

by nuclearplastic

by d-reno

by kendall

by squeak117

To participate in the current challenge (left 4 Dead series click here!

Weekly Challenge!

Come join the fun! Every week at we have members of  the site pick a new topic or theme and we have a week to illustrate it.  The purpose of the challenge is to push each other to create some new art about the games we love.  I personally love it because it keeps me busy with art.  It’s not a competitive thing.  Just an Art Jam Session on a weekly basis.  Here is the link.

And here are some samples of the goodies from the challenges…

Like I stated in the weeks since the Weekly sketches began I felt myself become a better artist.  Come join the fun!

My personal results for each week.

Week 1: Mario


Week 2 : William Wright (Creator of the Sims and Spore)


Week 3:  Team Fortress 2


Week 4: Mega Man (yes, by week 4 we started to add color)



Week 5 : Resident Evil



Week  6: Bioshock



Week 7 Abe’s Odyssey and Dead Space (Two Themes were selected during this week)


Abe from Oddworld


Dead Space

Which leads us to this week’s challenge Half Life.  This won’t be due till Monday (Hence the name Monday Challenge) So join in and Jam with some fellow gamers/ artist.  Check out the forum to see other entries to the challenges.  Artist we need you!

by the way here is how Half-life turned out!



The challenge for this week (Sept. 8) is Batman Arkham Asylum.

Join the fun here!

Third contest results: Villains

September’s contest was titled Villains.  It was simple, open and easy to do. Illustrate a villain from any video game past or present, win a free game call it a day. I won’t say who illustrated each entry this time, I will simply post the entries. I will announce the winner on Friday 10/3/2008. Thanks to all who entered! 

No explanation really needed here. Everyone in gaming knows this villainous family from the mario universe. Not to be confused with Bowser Jr, this is the Koopa Family! 

This is a Glukkon from the Oddworld universe. 

-Click here to read more about Glukkons

Glukkons are the ruthless, heartless capitalists that are the management of the Magog Cartel, the achetypal industrial family with a stronghold on Mudos.

This is Vodka Drunkenski from the old school game Super punch out (not to be confused with punch out and Mike Tyson’s punch out!) 


This is the Earth Knight – Gaius – Terrestris Veritas – Mammal guardian 2 from Shadow of  the Colossus! What a great game! 

There you have it! I will announce the winning illustration on Friday! The winner will receive free game of their choice!


October’s Contest (since halloween is approaching) is to draw, paint, vector, or simply “Art” a monster/creature from a video game. It could be any video game, but the creepier the better. Monsters and creatures could range from anyone like the Nemesis in Resident Evil, the Locust or really any villain from Gears of War, to a character from Devil may Cry. (also Ninja Gaiden had some crazy monsters/creatures in there!)  

So the theme is monsters/creatures and the creepier the better! Hope to see some more entries! Think about it…November has some really cool games coming out! Who here wouldn’t want Gears of War 2 or Left 4 Dead for Free?  What about Fable 2????

How to get your girl into gaming…

Illustration by greenbeanbaby 

Yes…We guys love our games…and at the same time we love our girls as well…but combining the two isn’t always the easiest of tasks.  Instead of drooling over those models who pretend they play games drool over your own girl who could be playing games with you instead!  I have cataloged a guaranteed solution to get your girlfriend/ wife/ whatever/ into gaming!

Step 1 Start small.

If she hasn’t played anything before, start with something simple.  Don’t forget you, yourself started some where, you didn’t just wake up playing GTA IV or Metal Gear overnite…gradually build the interest by making her feel comfortable with games she can relate to at first.  I bought my wife a gamecube and started her off with the gaming icon of the world: Mario


Mario KartDouble Dash!! was the game in fact.  I knew that it was a simple enough concept…racing…and it was something we could play together.  She loved it!  She did the whole turn her whole body thing while driving in the game for a while but she was learning.  You don’t have to pick mario…but pick a game that will peek an interest in your girl.  Pick a game that will be fun for you both!

Step 2 Pick a two player game.  

No it doesn’t have to be double dragon! But, to any of the old-school gamers out there…think about the feeling you had playing this with your brother/cousin/friend! You and a partner taking on anyone who crossed your path. Pick a co-op game will build team-work with your girl. It will teach you guys both about team work and each of you work together. You could even start with a lower difficulty level to build her confidence. And guys don’t hog all the kills! Let her get into some action as well!

As time goes on up the difficulty and let her go at it!  Some great co-op games are any halo games, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, X-men legends, Justice League, Streets of Rage 1,2,3, Double Dragon, Smash Bros Brawl, gears of war, and army of two just to name a few. I choose x-men legends for my wife. She crushed it, an while we played I learned her style of play. She rushes in not holding anything back and played support for her.  It was so much fun and we pwned both games! 



Step 3 Play fair with her.

If you have gotten her this far and she is starting to play on a regular basis…don’t blow it man! Let’s say you guys are playing smash bros or anything together that is against each other don’t blow her out of the water. This would frustrate anyone. Guys you don’t want her to feel uncomfortable at any time…see step 1! You want the gaming time to be a relaxing time, not for arguments on how your killed her. Don’t let her win ALL the time either.  She won’t like it when you show her too much pity.  She is a girl not a wimp!


Step 4.  Let her have some ownership!


The industry knows this as well.  So should you!  Look how much pink gaming stuff is out there.  Any gamer wants their own stuff.  Find out what interest her and buy her a new game.  A lot of female gamers like puzzle games or simulation games. You have Rock BandGuitar Hero, andThrillville franchises to keep them busy!  Keep in mind not every girl likes pink stuff, but a lot them do! 



Step 5. Give them respect.

Respect the games they like to play and give them time on their games. Now that you introduced her to the world of gaming and showed her it is not a complete waste of time…give her own time to find out what games spark her joy for the medium.  My wife LOVES Halo 3.  She is actually playing it right now as I type this. Now, I remember back when Halo 2 was released. She wasn’t into games back then, but I was. She would hate the fact that I would go online and play until 3-4 in the morning. She didn’t understand it…now it is her playing till the wee hours of the night. She actually plays more than me right now! If I want to play something besides halo right now, I have to either by me another 360 or get her one.  Her gamertag is teenygreenbean by the way!

Do’s and Don’ts The finale

illustration by greenbeanbaby


Let her have fun!

Let her win sometimes!

Encourage her to buy a game for herself to enjoy!

Encourage her to talk trash online because guys will be talkin too! 

Spend quality time gaming with her! 

illustration by greenbeanbaby


Make fun of her for her taste in games or if she dies in a co-op game or if she moves her body awkwardly while playing games.

Make her fell stupid because she can’t do certain things in games…be patient and teach her! 

Kill her on VS games to the point where she wants to fight you for real! 

Get mad at her if she gets better than you at a certain game! 


The bottom line is you want her to have a good time! 

illustration by greenbeanbaby

I guess you could hit on girls already online…but that is really really desperate. And you never know how she looks! You wouldn’t want anyone showing up on your doorstep like this:

But then again…if you are hitting on a girl online then you must look like this:


Enjoy the girl in your life!  Get her into gaming today!!!