Posts Tagged 'resident evil 5'

Monday Challenges!!!

I for one am excited to see the resurgence of the Monday Art Challenges here on They have come a long way, and as an artist it has given me a reason to stay active with sketching away at some great video game art.

I look forward to seeing all the new entries on a weekly basis and love how random people will drop a sketch or illustration into the challenge.  Every week or so a member from the site selects a new topic and by that monday the following week everyone post their take on that challenge…Left 4 Dead is next on our hit list and you will soon see some sketches in the forums that reflect this.  Here is break down so to speak on ALL the challenges and the entries to ever appear on this site…

Big thanks to all who have contributed to the Monday Challenges!  For anyone who wants to contribute to the future challenges we look for new art.  That is the point of the challenge; to create NEW art before the week’s deadline.  Enjoy!

Week 1: Mario

by d-reno
by kalel06
by squeak117
Week 2: William Wright (Sims Creator)
by kendall
by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 3 Team Fortress

by kendall

by squeak117

by d-reno

by kalel06

pencils by kalel06 & colours by kendall

Week 4: Megaman

by kendall

by squeak117

pencils by squeak117 & colors by d-reno

by d-reno

by d-reno

by kalel06

Week 5: Resident Evil

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by d-reno

Week 6: Bioshock

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 7 Dead Space & Oddworld (yes 2!!)

by lukedenby

by timkelly

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

by flamingshark


by lukedenby

by timkelly

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 8: Half-life

by squeakk117

by flamingshark

by kalel06

by kalel06

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by mezmacko

Week 9: Batman

by d-reno

by flamingshark

by lukedenby

by d-reno

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 10: Gears of War

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 11: Ninjas and Samurai

by squeak117

by d-reno

Week 12: Halo

by squeakk117

by d-reno

Week 13: Heavenly Sword

by d-reno

by squeak117

Week 14 Darksiders

by flamingshark

Week 15: Mass Effect

by nuclearplastic

by d-reno

by kendall

by squeak117

To participate in the current challenge (left 4 Dead series click here!

Weekly Challenge!

Come join the fun! Every week at we have members of  the site pick a new topic or theme and we have a week to illustrate it.  The purpose of the challenge is to push each other to create some new art about the games we love.  I personally love it because it keeps me busy with art.  It’s not a competitive thing.  Just an Art Jam Session on a weekly basis.  Here is the link.

And here are some samples of the goodies from the challenges…

Like I stated in the weeks since the Weekly sketches began I felt myself become a better artist.  Come join the fun!

My personal results for each week.

Week 1: Mario


Week 2 : William Wright (Creator of the Sims and Spore)


Week 3:  Team Fortress 2


Week 4: Mega Man (yes, by week 4 we started to add color)



Week 5 : Resident Evil



Week  6: Bioshock



Week 7 Abe’s Odyssey and Dead Space (Two Themes were selected during this week)


Abe from Oddworld


Dead Space

Which leads us to this week’s challenge Half Life.  This won’t be due till Monday (Hence the name Monday Challenge) So join in and Jam with some fellow gamers/ artist.  Check out the forum to see other entries to the challenges.  Artist we need you!

by the way here is how Half-life turned out!



The challenge for this week (Sept. 8) is Batman Arkham Asylum.

Join the fun here!

Taking a look back…are we spoiled???

Take a look back and remember the times of previous video game generations and just think how blessed we have been with the number of great titles that have come across our television sets…

Even look back just four years ago…when The Game Cube, Xbox, and Playstation 2 rocked everyone’s entertainment system…


We didn’t have gems like Bioshock, Metal Gear Solid 4, or GTA 4…what graced our systems 4 years ago were titles like Jet Li Rise to honor…Red Dead Revolver and Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy.


Which one would you choose…this or 

 Jet Li: Rise to Honor 


We take certain things for granted as gamers these days.  The industry has exploded in terms of what games have been released in this generation that we are currently in.  And since we are so used to seeing these graphics and gameplay now…we are a little spoiled.  

The updated graphics engines alone are reasons for any gamers now a days to purchase new titles…look at the the games being released…Let’s take two titles same name different console generations…

Area 51 for the PS2 and Xbox.

Blacksite: Area 51 PS3 and Xbox 360.

…Look at the difference in these two games…they speak for themselves…  Area 51 was a decent FPS for the Xbox and PS2 and it was ok, solid at best.  It received some decent reviews(about an 8.0 average) And Blacksite: Area 51 came out with more of a whimper…pretty good visuals.  Some great battles in there as well…but it came out really at the wrong time.  (In the middle of a Bioshock, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 Sandwich!) But still an ok game! 


Look at Halo 2…


…and Halo 3 



…two great games generations apart…  


Even titles like Jade Empire which looked beautiful back in the day…compare it with Mass Effect…Not just in terms of graphics…but the entire gameplay itself is not even close to it’s masterpiece cousin that released in 2007.  

Jade Empire…good game



Mass Effect…epic life experience…



I remember paying 50 bucks happily for half-life 2 for xbox and playing through that load crazy game…only to pay 60 bucks 3 years later for the Orange Box which includes half-life 2, episode 1, episode 2, portal, and team fortress on a single dvd…

Half life 2 on xbox…


..VS. The Orange Box! 


Half-life 2
Half-life 2




Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2




One game that had so long of load times in there, vs 5 games in 1!  You tell me which one was a better purchase! 

We are getting a lot for our money these days.  Our games had multiplayer in them in the past yeah, but now so many games are getting released to have a social network party going! Take GTA San Andreas, and compare it to GTA IV….the difference is ridiculous.  You could already play San Andreas for a while, but now you could play GTA IV for like months and still find new things to do because of the multiplayer features…

Take a look at the top games of 2005 when the xbox 360 first came on the scene… 2005 was a great year for gamers

We had Resident Evil 4 (Cult Classic-Changed the way we play games today) Shadow of the Colossus (Great game just didn’t sell as much as it should) Jade Empire…


Those were heavy hitters yes..but look at the other games that were at the top of the list. Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks. Heroes of the Pacific, The Incredible Hulk:Ultimate Destruction, more greats like Devil May Cry 3, and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.  The Warriors also released that year (great co-op beat’em up!) Guitar Hero (debut!) and also Prince of Persia The two Thrones…True Crime: New York snuck in there as a great sandbox action game as well.  

Pretty good year yes… but in the year when the 360 debuted the regular consoles still stole the show.  So we really can’t count the Next gen (our current gen) until 2006 (even though call of duty 2 was awesome on the 360). 

2006 was another good year for games.  The xbox 360 had full year under it’s belt and the PS3 and Wii launched. We saw great titles like Gears of War( One of the best co-op games ever…graphically just a powerhouse) Resistance Fall of man (only real reason for owning a PS3 at this time…)  The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (only real reason to own a Wii at this time!)

2006 also had Rainbow Six Vegas (Giant sleeper hit) Splinter Cell Double Agent, Final Fantasy 12, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Saints Row, Dead Rising (great title only missing online multiplayer) Bully, Scarface, Guitar Hero II, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and  The Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Great Year for a last stand of the PS2, but clearly the xbox 360 stretched it’s muscle with many knock out titles wetting the appetite of many gamers.  It would be hard to top Gears, Resistance, and The twillight princess..but 2007 was immense…

2007 was and I will go on Record as saying, the best year of gaming in my lifetime.  The Year starting slowly with a couple of hits like Crackdown, God of War II, Super Paper Mario, then we saw hits like Ghost Recon Advance War Fighter 2, Then hits like the Darkness, Metroid Prime 3, Blue Dragon…Heavenly Sword, Quake Wars Enemy territories, Guitar Hero III, then the holiday season came. The games listed above were winners already, then titles started to drop like wildfire…HALO 3, CALL OF DUTY 4, Assassin’s Creed, MASS EFFECT, ROCK BAND, CRYSIS, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, SUPER MARIO Galaxy, THE ORANGE BOX, Rachet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, BIOSHOCK… what a holiday.  


My eyes are still glowing from these sure fire hits…so many Triple A titles came out that Holiday season that some are were under the radar releases…

2008 has been an impressive year and may top 2007…with releases already of GTA 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4.  We have Gears of War 2 coming and Resistance 2 coming Left 4 Dead looks promising, Fall out 3, and Fable 2 speaks for themselves, Guitar Hero World Tour, Possible Prince of Persia, Little Big Planet, EndWar, Halo Wars, Rock Band 2, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Spore (Finally) 

And in 2009 some titles that look amazing are Resident Evil 5, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Borderlands, Killzone 2…man pretty good time to be a gamer! I haven’t listed all the games…just a few gems…

Gamers…come on admit it… we are spoiled.