Posts Tagged 'Kalel'

6 Inspirational Digital Painting Tutorials!!!

Written by Nelson Polanco aka Kalel06 from

As you all know, I haven’t gotten around to making that painting tutorial I promise yet. Now you may all say “Boy, that Kalel sure is a slacker!”, but I just feel that if I am gonna do a tutorial, it’s gotta be detailed and filled with tons of images and that takes alot of time I currently dont have. I want it to literally hold your hand through the whole process.

In the mean time, let’s take a look at 6 tutorials that have influenced my work.  I feel these will help a lot of people out and are good practice even if you already have your own style of painting.

Craig Mullins Gunman by Craig Mullins

Here’s one from the master himself and of my favorite artists. If you do digital art, get to know his work if you already don’t! Here’s his site.

Skin Tones Part 1 by Ron Lemen.

This is a very important one to me. I learned alot from it.

Omar Dogan Coloring Tutorial by Omar Dogan

One of Udon Studio’s best shows us how he gets it done. Very inspiring! Here’s his Deviant Art gallery

For the full article click here!

Sony…on the Ropes?


Sometimes it’s hard to believe how the once and mighty have fallen.  How a powerful system slayer of the Playstation brand, could garnish so much criticism.  Originally released in 1994 the PSX (PLAYSTATION) took the world by storm.  It offered an alternative to the cartridge based game format and showed the world SONY as a leader of new technologies.  (Sounds familiar…blu-ray) The idea of having a game console that could play music cd’s as well seems trivial by today’s standards…but it was new in 1994.

Full article here.

OK Another Post!


Well the blog was supposed to be dead..and it is really… all the action is going on at the official site…but here is a link to the newest artist interview here.  Enjoy!